Alba Polonkey, Sustainability Manager for Sustainable Sandhills, presented information gained from the just completed ten month planning process conducted by Sustainable Sandhills regarding climate change and sustainability issues at the RLUAC quarterly meeting held on February 18th. The objectives of the study were to develop a climate adaptation plan, promote climate resilience through sustainable resource management, and to spark action by both local governments and the general public.  She concluded her presentation with a list of actions, included within the strategic plan, to help mitigate the growing climate change threats. Specific recommendations include: 1) integrate climate resilience into all planning and natural area conservation efforts, 2) protect future water quality and quantity, 3) provide assistance and support for vulnerable populations, 4) shift development patterns to sustainable community design, green buildings, and renewable energy supply, and 5) establish and maintain a monitoring, evaluation and adaptive management process.  For the entire PowerPoint please go to the “Meetings” tab at the top of the page and open the presentations.