After nearly 15 years of service as the first executive director of RLUAC, Jim Dougherty has retired. Mr. Dougherty devoted the majority of his career in city and regional planning to the southeastern region of North Carolina as a Chief Planner of the Fayetteville Regional Office of the NC Department of Commerce, which he retired from prior to accepting his role as executive director of RLUAC. Mr. Dougherty's vision and leadership helped raise awareness of the importance of regional collaboartion and planning to help protect the natural environment and the military training mission. At the August 15, 2019 quarterly meeting, Pete Campbell was introduced as the new Executive Director. Mr. Campbell was instrumental in helping Mr. Dougherty and others to rejuvenate the regional organization in 2001, making significant contributions to the development of the 2003 Joint Land Use Study and many other regional planning initiatives. Mr. Campbell begins his offical duties as the Executive Director on Ocotber 1, 2019. Please click here to read the Fayetteville Observer's coverage of the story.